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Opiekun merytoryczny: Karolina Stypułkowska
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Słowo „defeat” oznacza „pokonać”.Zdania zawierające słowo „defeat”:- Alexandra was playing a video game in which she defeated a boss. Alexandra grała w grę, w której pokonała bossa.- Cuba defeated a tree trunk in a game of Indian.
Kuba pokonał pień drzewa w zabawie w Indian.- Alicia defeated her classmates in a candy bet. Alicja pokonała koleżanki w zakładzie o cukierka.- Marceli defeated his colleagues. Marceli pokonał kolegów.- Alek defeated all the characters in the game. Alek pokonał wszystkie postacie z gry.- Sebastian defeated 5 roosters and 11 hens. Sebastian pokonał 5 kogutów i 11 kur.- In school today, Jacek had to write about himself as a hero and he wrote that he defeats super villains and that he once defeated a very bad mister. Jacek dzisiaj w szkole miał napisać o sobie jako o bohaterze i napisał że pokonuje super złoczyńców i że pokonał pewnego razu bardzo złego pana.- At recess, Kasia drew in her notebook how the prettiest boy in the class defeated a big green giant who has so much wax in his ears that you could make 43 hydro-massage tubs. Kasia na przerwie w zeszy

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