Question tags

Question tags (pytania rozłączne) to krótkie pytania, które stawiamy na końcu zdań twierdzących lub przeczących. Zazwyczaj używane są w tym samym znaczeniu, co polskie słowa „prawda?”, „tak?” lub „czyż nie?”, gdy chcemy poprosić o potwierdzenie informacji, lub „dobrze?”, gdy uprzejmie o coś prosimy.Jak utworzyć question tags?1. Pytania rozłączne zbudowane są z dwóch elementów: operatora zgodnego z czasem, w jakim występuje zdanie główne, oraz zaimka osobowego (w pytaniach rozłącznych nie można stosować imion ani nazw własnych, a jedynie zaimki osobowe – I, you, he, she, it, we, they)- Present Simple: You don’t like social science, do you?
She works as a teacher, doesn’t she?
– Present Continuous: The student is cheating, isn’t he?
They’re not talking about me, are they?
– Present Perfect Simple: You have heard that Tom broke up with his girlfriend, haven’t you?
The teacher hasn’t marked the tests, has she?
– Present Perfect Continuous: The girls has been waiting here for 30 minutes, hasn’t she?
The customers haven’t been queueing since 5, have they?
– Past Simple: Their army invaded the neighbouring countries, didn’t they?
Julia and Robert didn’t get married in 2015, did they?
– Past Continuous: He was trying to forget her by partying like crazy, wasn’t he?
They weren’t sleeping, were they?
– Past Perfect: You had cooked the dinner before the guests arrived, hadn’t you?
It hadn’t started raining before the mother went back from work, had it?
– Past Perfect Continuous: He had been playing for the Bulls for 5 years before he moved to France, hadn’t he?
They hadn’t been watching the game for almost an hour when I arrived, had they?
– Future Simple: He will get me to the airport, won’t he?
She won’t take you some water from the fridge, will she?
– Future Continuous: You will be getting ready for the party then, won’t you?
This time tomorrow, Sara won’t be shopping groceries with her mum, will she?
– Future Perfect: Mark will have bought a new car by the end of this year, won’t he?
He won’t have proposed by that time, will he?
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