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Sklepy po angielsku

Opiekun merytoryczny: Karolina Stypułkowska
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„Happiness is not in money, but in shopping.” ‒ Marilyn Monroe.
Where do we go to buy a newspaper? And what can we buy in a stationer’s? I hope that this lesson will help you choose the best shop during shopping. Let’s start!
Słowo sklep na język angielski tłumaczymy jako „shop”. Możemy wyróżnić wiele rodzajów sklepów, oto kilka z nich!
• bakery – piekarnia (There you can buy bread, rolls, croissants, pie)
• bookshop – księgarnia (There you can buy novels, detective stories, poems)
• butcher’s – sklep mięsny (There you can buy ham, sausages, meat)
• clothes shop – sklep z ubraniami (There you can buy dresses, T-shirts, jeans)
• DIY store – market budowlany (There you can buy hammers, screws, paints)
• florist’s – kwiaciarnia (There you can buy a bunch of flowers or spray)
• greengrocer’s – warzywniak (There you can buy fruits or vegetables)
• jeweller’s – jubiler (There y

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