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Wieś po angielsku

Opiekun merytoryczny: Karolina Stypułkowska
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Wieś po angielsku to village. Jak ktoś gra w Minecrafta, to powinien to wiedzieć. Taka mała dygresja.
Na wsi możemy robić dużo rzeczy. Jest to całkowite przeciwieństwo życia w mieście.
Opis wsi:
The village has clean air. It is very quiet and peaceful there. We have a small house or a large one, if you prefer, surrounded by a farm. There is a garden with beautiful flowers next to the house. There are forests and fields everywhere. We cannot forget about animal husbandry in the countryside, we can raise chickens, pigs, cows, geese, ducks and many other animals. People have different crops for the right seasons. They have potatoes, tomatoes, courgettes, carrots, parsley, onions, pumpkins and many other vegetables, but also fruit. Raspberry picking is popular in the summer. In the countryside, you can also go horseback riding, pick apples or nuts, relax among the birds, breathe healthy air and, above all, relax. Of course, let’s not forget that living in the countryside and having our own farm, we have to work hard. It is thanks to farmers or grandma’s crops that we have so much delicious food.
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